
Kongregate shellshock live 2
Kongregate shellshock live 2



I could also Twitch stream them doing this to show how they try to manipulate people and even sometimes will wait to see if you are targeted and looking to win still with them at full health/armor to start their ambush on you before leaving. Quite the idiot hypocrite if you ask me.Īnyway, the list will be posted and added to and if video proof(despite this unbearable lag after awhile will be posted. He tried to convince my friend I was the one trolling the game after admitting he was there to ruin the game. Then argued that I am a troll and had trolled him for 203 games exactly.

kongregate shellshock live 2

Tried to kill his ally then was promptly shot by all 3 players in the 2v2 and shot himself dead. He came in and my level 9 prestige friend was on his team and I had a level 16 non prestige just say I cam here to ruin this game. I even had a guy just join my game named ‘behram123’ level 1 prestige player join my game and I had him on an old list that I lost recently and even suspected the name because it sounded familiar. This is a real issue since, again, my theory is that these players are probably at the least BlastPlayer on multiple computers or using software/techniques on multiple browsers to troll games. After each day I have these names alphabetized and categorized in a google docs spreadsheet to look at before allowing anyone (again usually with prestige) to start a game with. Everyone else, I create a log of their SSL 2 Live name which should match their Kongregate name, prestige level with a \* and current level in case they say level 47 and will no longer be the same prestige. If they have an excuse as some glitch or disconnect I simply tell them to fix it and mark them as ‘Suspicious’. I don’t take this as an offense unless they do it consistently over multiple times I have seen their name come up. I will create a thread with all the name of constant leavers (meaning they don’t shoot (no early game glitch) and leave after 1 shot that usually has no effect on the game. However, I heard plenty of talk of this going on in the Steam version of SSL too so I don’t think that is is the case. Only the Admins would know and may even be supporting it as a way to drive people to play the Steam Version on Kyle Champ’s behalf. It may be just BlastPlayer and some friends or maybe just him on multiple computers (very easy to figure out by the IP range). The admins need to follow up with an iron fist to make it not worth their time stealing or buying people’s old accounts, which I am positive is what’s going on. Sure, you could argue this is beneficial XP wise but it does ruin the integrity of one of the most played games on this website. If they do not end up on my team, they usually say, "I cam here to ruin this game and attempt to kill themselves or if their teammate is not good they do a little of both. They call me out by name sometimes, maybe because BlastPlayer is mad I am taking names and submitting them to the official ShellShock Forums.


I host usually 100-200 games a day on average, something more if they’re going quick and the new Flash Update **REQUIREMENT** isn’t eating up 10+GB of ram after a few hours. I also screen recorded a few hundred games and have tons of people who once the game start say, "BlastPlayer sent me here to kill host. I had a long list of about 50 players over 1000 games or so that would come in spurts (almost always prestige that either is a player named BlastPlayer (prestige 7) last time I saw him which was 15 minutes ago. I’m sure my list is only the tip of the iceberg for these guys.


Other players please feel free to come in and talk about what you’ve seen. But if you could spare some time to get rid of the trolls on this game that would be much appreciated. Kchamp, i know you are sitting on a tropical island somewhere laying on a pile of money and drinking out of a coconut. The list i made from the other day of players who were all bombing a game are: Vitorhugo, blast player, hajagula, and XP master. I am going to include all screen names in the futile hope that someone, maybe god forbid even Kchamp, will come in and clean this game up.

kongregate shellshock live 2

Once they mess up someones game they will keep sending other players or dup account players in to keep messing up the same game over and over. They are not noobs, most of them are high prestige.

kongregate shellshock live 2

They’ve been coming into game and just teamshooting for no reason. blast player and Vitorhugu seem the two worst culprits. Ok so blast player and some other guys are fu%&ing up this game.

Kongregate shellshock live 2